🇺🇸Memorial Day Party!🇺🇸

Memorial Day is coming up soon. I hope to see you all at the gym for our annual party. On this day, we will be doing a special workout in honor of Lt. Michael Murphy. I know the workout looks scary to some of you. But it’s just a workout. It’s just exercise. Of course, you can modify the workout. As with all of our workouts, there will be a Green, Blue, and Black workout on the board. Your coaches will make sure you’re doing the appropriate workout on that day.
After the workout, we’ll have some food and drinks.
Memorial Day is a special day. It’s a day we remember the people who died serving in our nation’s armed forces. That’s always been what Memorial Day was to me as a kid and young adult. Then came CrossFit.
In addition to it being a federal holiday of remembrance, it became the day I did the workout, “Murph.” Every year, since I began CrossFit, I’ve done that workout on the last Monday in May. For many CrossFitters, doing Murph is as much a tradition as having a backyard BBQ. So, what and who was Murph?
Michael Murphy was a decorated Navy Seal. He died in June of 2005 in Afghanistan. The workout, “Murph” was one of  Lt. Murphy’s favorites. He called it, “Body Armor.” We do this workout on Memorial Day in honor of Lt. Michael Murphy and the sacrifice he made. That’s a good thing to keep in the back of your mind, as you’re suffering through this workout.

On Memorial Day, we’re doing Murph! And we’re having a party!
Murph heats start at 10am (sign up on the sheet at the gym).
This is an excellent opportunity to mingle with your CrossFit friends outside of class. It is, also, a great time to meet members that you never get to see in the classes you usually attend.
You can bring friends and family (kids too). If your friends want to do the workout, they can join in. If they just want to hang out, they can do that, too. You don’t need to do the workout, either. You can just come and hang out at our BBQ.
Bring food and booze, if you’d like. We’ll have some there.
I hope to see you all on the 29th.

–Coach Dan